Players when not in a mission may see a vehicle acting strangely and then flee. Enabling the 'DriveBy' in config file will allow this cop to driveby. Please note, this will not allow you to 'load' stats back into the game when you start the game next time around. Possible cause for some crashes? Prevents overloading the game resulting in a crash or at the least a drop in FPS Posted by: Police Pursuit Mod Beta 7. gta 4 police pursuit mod 7.6b

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Suspect entered a parked car, got out, and it crashed. Sirens are sync'd to your vehicle. Players can now change the weather among other things. If it says the file does not exist this means that you just have to save cop rank, thats all.

This page is dediated to the modifications created by Team-NeO for games listed below.

GTAIV Police Pursuit Mod Beta b - video dailymotion

Would like feedback on them please! Possibly due to the upgrade from 3. This should prevent crashes.

gta 4 police pursuit mod 7.6b

If this occurs it will say something like "Lets get him" or "I'll head him off" Posted by: Upto 25 possible vehicles. Vehicles will only stop when the siren is turned on ,od will no longer stop for just the lights. Players can now stop and check any civilian on the road when not in a mission. The fix for this is to either save your stats again now by using the KEY or you can delete the file and save the satats again later on. Still working on it Posted by: Cops not there Posted by: When engaged, you can perform a traffic stop on any vehicle.

gta 4 police pursuit mod 7.6b

A 'unit' is a cop vehicle consisting of cops. Press numpad 8 Posted by: Not sure why this was disabled. This has been fixed in 7. Untested but should fix it Posted by: Pressing the 'Numpad -' whilst outside and near the suspect vehicle perhaps as it passes byyou mox attempt to punture the fleeing vehicle's tires.

gta 4 police pursuit mod 7.6b

Not sure if I will keep this in or not Discharging Weapon' issue when killing a suspect. Where the stop lights are Posted by: Players can now choose to accept or reject missions on-the-fly by pressing "Y" and "N" when you're offered a mission.


Was too inefficient and messy. Setting "PutOnHelmet" to -1 will disable this feature.

If you pass a poilce car that is a non-backup unit he may join in the police chase. There are now two forms of 'Off Duty', pressing the 'Numpad 0' button to cycle through them, you can now go 'Off Duty' but remain in uniform, weapon e. When completed, will allow developers to send messages to all those currently playing the mod at any given time.

I think it looks gtta this way Upgrading is simple as you just install over the previous one. Will lead to a pursuit if you don't find them after 3 break ins. Firstly, you must have entered at aleast 1 police car since the game started.

Set this to 0 to disable or for a mission.


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